Met Gala Luncheon
Met Gala Luncheon
A Snow Mountain of Trouble
This week, Sara and Rosalinda continue talking about the Jen Shaw party shenanigans because nothing says housewife party like multiple showdowns. They try to wrap up the Mary Cosby and Jen Shaw fight and channel their inner "zen Jen" to analyze the Whitney x Lisa confrontation. They then go on to talk about Whitney's father's lucrative haircare business and whether reading someone's phone is really "transparency." Finally, they round out the episode to talk about the thumbs up controversy and pitch why VIDA tequila should sponsor them.
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Hey y'all! Welcome to Met Gala luncheon. I'm your host, Sara Van Tuerenhout, and I'm joined by:
Rosalinda Mendez:Rosalinda!
Sara Van Tuerenhout:And this is the podcast where we break down our favorite reality TV shows, and dive into the craziness that ensues. This week, we're looking at episode two of the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, "A Snow Mountain of Trouble." This was, you know, an interesting episode. We got right back into the Meredith party, quote unquote, and kind of after the whole Mary blow up.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I don't know if it's just COVID or the fact that Bravo felt like they had to out of the gate come out with a two parter.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, that that's a little uncalled for not gonna lie.
Rosalinda Mendez:Usually that's a mid season thing or like something really big is going down and let's say first episode action packed.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:True it was.
Rosalinda Mendez:And so, I get it, but that was just it was it was a bit much to be like, kind of snaking this entire party over two episodes.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah. They were really just milking us for views here.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, definitely. I mean, they're just showing us it's big, it's bad up in snow, snow mountain of trouble.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Such a cheesy name. Who comes up with these names?
Rosalinda Mendez:I know. So when we left our intrepid Housewives, they were at the party, and they were actually they went into some like kind of ante-room, dressing room to have the big fight, and again, you know, we're starting off with the whole Jen kind of going over the top with the "it smells like hospital," so much so that she equated it to a cancer baby smelling like cancer.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:No, yeah, she was saying that like Mary saying that the room that they were in smelling like cancer(*hospital*) is the same thing as telling a poor child who has cancer that they smell like cancer. Like what does a child with cancer smell like? I just, what?
Rosalinda Mendez:I didn't realize cancer had an actual smel, and do different cancers have different smells?
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I just that just is a false equivalency, and its-... I don't know, and like, Heather was not helping. I guess she was trying to be a good friend. But like, Heather was like, "yeah, it was just a stupid dig." I mean, I mean, it was it. I guess it was just a comment. I don't even think there was really much malice behind Mary's comment, but it just kind of blew up.
Rosalinda Mendez:I mean, yeah, I mean, it's just like, you walk in the place, and "you're like, ooh, what's that smell?"
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:Like, it's not necessarily. I mean, I guess you could be like saying something about some particular person, but usually, you're just talking about the environment, which I think is what she was doing.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah. It just, again, blowing up in usual Jen Shah fashion.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I mean, yeah, I think the thing is with again, we as we said, we like Heather, she's the most relatable. She is trying to be Switzerland here, which I'm not sure ever works in a Housewive's scenario.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:No, it never does. It always bites in the butt.
Rosalinda Mendez:Nope. It's literally, you gotta take a side, or you have to walk away and just say, I'm not participating in this.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:And even then some housewife will try to ring you in anyway.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, no, that's that's not the optimal way to do it, but when you try to play both sides of the field, it has never worked out well.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:No.
Rosalinda Mendez:In any of housewives history. Let me tell you, again, since I watched from season one of Orange County, somehow, yeah, playing Switzerland isn't a thing, and at some point, someone's going to make you choose.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, and then like, again, we talked about this last episode [so if you haven't checked that out, I would recommend listening to that first], but yeah, Mary is doubling down about her odor glands being removed and her estranged relationship with hospitals. But she's kind of making it out, like, I have PTSD from hospitals. So anything I say, you can't be mad at.
Rosalinda Mendez:Well, I think she means in relation to hospitals, or like anything that has to do with health, but mostly specifically hospitals, which is really one of those things. It's like having something in your life that you have to tell all your friends like, something happened to me in the past. So if you talk about milkshakes, I might be triggered, and so you now know, to like, stay away from the milkshake. Like, I don't really, I mean, I get it kind of, but I don't think you can be excused for all your behaviors.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Uh no.
Rosalinda Mendez:If someone says your trigger word. I mean, this is not a safe word kind of thing.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I just yeah. Again, Jen overreacting for sure, but Mary just needs to be like okay, clearly, my friend thinks I've like killed her mother. She's like reacting as if she was personally responsible for her mother lose or her aunt losing two of her legs.
Rosalinda Mendez:Well, I just. I don't. I mean, and again, I mean, this whole conversation took place on the day that the two legs were amputated and she went to a gathering a girls.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I know. It's like, okay, like, get your priorities straight.
Rosalinda Mendez:ike iterally, maybe her aunt needed er by her bedside instead of er having some tequila shots omewhere.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I know. Yeah. Okay, one this fight has been dragging on too long, because one, this was like six weeks ago, six months ago, I don't even know. But then, again, this is Meredith's birthday party, and Jen Shah has now once again made it all about her. First, she made a birthday party for Meredith that had nothing to do with her. She had the flower wall that didn't even have Meredith name. The invitation, which we don't know about, but definitely didn't have her name, and then you have the Tongan dancers, which even Jen was like, "I don't know how this relates to Meredith." It's just like, none of...literally none of this party was for Meredith, besides the fact that Meredith happened to have a birthday and she showed up, but then even more, they have Meredith come in and ref their fight about the hospital.
Rosalinda Mendez:Right. I mean, this is your...this is your part
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.. I mean, you. I mean, I thi k that she did give her a list f other people that were going o come to the party for her. Y
Rosalinda Mendez:That just seems bad, and then it's just u might want to be out with yo r guests celebrating as opposed o you having to like, go a d somehow you know, hold the ha d of the person who's throwing y u the part seems like it's literally as most things are with Jen. I'm sure that's true in her life. Like, I mean, the fact she has eight assistants, which again, eight assistants. I'm like...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:*interjects* To do what?
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I don't know to tell her that she's amazing.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I don't I don't really get it. Um, I'm trying to think of which one of the other housewives had that many crazy people... I think Camille had two nannies and I thought that was excessive for two children.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:But okay. One nanny per child, but...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:*interjects* And they...she was living on a biggest state at the time.
Rosalinda Mendez:I know. And but like, you know, Jen Shah has eight nannies for for herself.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I know, for her self, yeah, not even for kids. But I feel like this whole party situation is like, the favorite phrase of all the franchise or like the Housewives women. There's a time and a place, and this was neither the time nor the place.
Rosalinda Mendez:Exactly.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:To be having this fight.
Rosalinda Mendez:Except there were cameras there.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Oh, yeah. Well, of course.
Rosalinda Mendez:So that was the time and the place for Jen. Because it was the place she could get the most exposure.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:To look absolutely melodramatic.
Rosalinda Mendez:I know. I don't know. Maybe some of our listeners are big Jen fans. Could, maybe you could like put in the comments. Like why you think this is a good idea?
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, let us know what y'all think. Because this is just yeah,
Rosalinda Mendez:I live in a bizarro world where I think this has gone on way too long.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah. But then we have Meredith did a good job, I guess kind of with her big poofy wings flew in and saved the day, and Jen said that she forgives Mary. She said...
Rosalinda Mendez:*interjects* But you know, she does not.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:No, she was like zen Jen. I just, I don't I don't buy it.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, and that whole thing where she does the whole thing with her two fingers like I'm looking at you.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I'm watching you. It's like if you really forgive someone, why are you watching? Like, I don't get it.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, she doesn't. She doesn't forgive her. She's just like, she ran out of material. Poor Meredith is missing her party.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:And she's probably decided that, you know, we just need to move on for now, so that I can carry this on for the rest of the damn season.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:God. Yeah, I feel like this is just gonna drag on forever.
Rosalinda Mendez:They're gonna be like in their 90s and she's gonna be saying, I don't smell like hospital...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:It'll be the season nine reunion, like Andy Cohen is like please!
Rosalinda Mendez:Stop talking about the hospital smell like I feel Andy will want to have it in a hospital, just to trigger Mary.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:But you know, Andy would do something like that. Okay, but now that that has kind of wrapped up, the party's not over. We still got more beef to hit. Because, first off, we found- that we saw that Heather and Lisa ignored each other. Well, Heather tried to get Lisa's attention and then Lisa just kind of brushes her off
Rosalinda Mendez:Because Lisa doesn't know her even from 20 years in college like she doesn't know her at that party.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, she didn't even recognize her. But then we we go into the "meat" kind of I think this is further justification as to why I don't like Lisa. But Lisa and Whitney kind of have an exchanging of words if you want to call it that.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, cuz we again, as we said, we opened up on the vow renewal.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:And there was a party, and actually, I did notice at the party, like when I mean, it was just a short shot, but it was a shot of the bar, and it looked like people were being pretty inappropriate behind the bar.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:And at the time, I thought, okay, well, you know, probably some like, cousins or like somebody like, you know, some friends like sons that are like, you know, sitting and playing bartender. You know hey're slipping and 50 for the n ght, letting them have some li e tequila, and we're all go d. But we find out that that wa not the case.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:No, Lisa, well, I guess Whitney had called Lisa and asked for some tequila of her luxury top shelf tequ la brand, Vida, (Not spon ored by the way) and so Lisa sent over like, apparently enou h tequila for 500 people and wo bartenders, and Whitney, I fe l like is in the right, mayb I'm biased, let us know. But- I like Whitney and I don't l ke Lisa, just based off of the irst episode. So going in, I'm already team Whitney. But Whi ney goes in, and just like, h y, Lisa, I really appreci te the gift. But your bartend rs that you hired were a little owdy, they broke glass. They dr nk some of my good scotch rom Ireland, and they opened y top shelf tequila, which L sa was like, hey, my tequila is top shelf. But like, let's b real. Is it Casamigos? Is it D n Julio 1942? No. And then Lis has the audacity to like be ups t. I don't get it.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, that part I don't understand. Because the bartenders or some third party like it's not even they're not even Lisa's people.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, exactly.
Rosalinda Mendez:They literally are somebody that she hired out or some... her company hired out to be bartenders, which Okay, fine. It was nice that you gave the product. It was nice that you even went the extra mile to like, get the bartenders. But here's your friend, your girl, telling you, Hey, you know, there was a little glitch with the bartenders. She said nothing bad about the tequila.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:No, she said it was so good.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, she like she like complimented that whole thing. But she said, I'm just letting you know that there was an issue with the bartender's like, my thing is like she's looking out for her brand. Because here's your friend, and your friend is not going to go get up on your business. First of all, because you gave it to her. So that's a gift. But you don't want her [Lisa] going out in like the public making the same mistake, like maybe hiring the same company, and getting a black eye where you will have people that have nothing to do with you that will be more than happy to trash your reputation.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:This was just"Hey, girl, just so you know...", kind of thing. But the fact that she overreacted in this Jen Shah kinda way.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah. Well, I was just kind of taken aback too. Because Whitney was like, hey, like, I know, you run a
Rosalinda Mendez:Like literally, this is the second tight ship. You really, you know, want to know everything that's happening with your company. I just want to let you know, the third party that you used, wasn't very good. Like, they're really irresponsible, and then Lisa took that as Oh, she's coming for my brand. She hates me. She's like, like she's spitting in my face, and it's just like, she's looking out for you. I really didn't understand what the big deal is. housewife that feels like they have to have beef. So they're going to find any excuse to have beef with somebody because this is not a thing to have beef over again. You know, it's like, it's they've watched too many episodes of Housewives.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:Like, literally, they're like, I want to be the instigator. I want to be you know, I want to be Teresa Guidice. I want to get to a point where I flip a table or you know, I need to be like, you know, Phaedra Parks and like, set people up and do all kinds of stuff like no, no you do not. What is wrong with you people? just kind of calm down live your lives. It's all good.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:And then she said, like the most outrageous line which I wrote it down. Which is like "if I give you a Chanel necklace and you choke on it, that's your problem, not mine." Which is like that is such a false equivalency. Like what?
Rosalinda Mendez:Seriously, not the same.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I genuinely didn't understand why she was even bringing that up. Like she was Whitney was just been nice.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, and I- she did it in such an unassuming way. Like she did not come in hot.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:No, absolutely not.
Rosalinda Mendez:She came in like, again, from a place of love and concern to her friends brand and also starting off by being very appreciative for the gift. It's not like she didn't acknowledge the gift.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:No. She said thank you at the very outset.
Rosalinda Mendez:So yeah, I mean, to me, it's like, I don't know where they're just gonna go with Lisa. I don't know if she's vying to be you know a junior Jen at this point because I mean, I'm sorry. I'll at the moment we'll see as you know, the episodes go on. But yeah, I mean, it's like they're all somehow grasping for the attention. It's not a natural fight I guess the thing is.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah. I think they're wanting to establish like, who's the queen bee.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, it's like when Mary snapped into the thing about water in the first episode.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Oh, yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:Which was kind of ridiculous and makes no sense. But that was just general coming from a place of I'm mad I'm just gonna say something, just to like, you know, squash it and shut you up. But this thing here is like, you're just making crap up to like, be mad.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I know.
Rosalinda Mendez:Like, the fake outrage is- is big.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:And then you have the very shady montage by Bravo the next day.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Where she's at her house and talking to her husband. She's like going on and on and on about apparently she's too generous, and like, it's so horrible that Whitney even came to her.
Rosalinda Mendez:The production value on that was amazing. I love the fades in and ou w ere you're just like, Good God it was almost like, you k ow, you're waiting for the li tle like, SpongeBob thing at the bo
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Forty five minutes later....
Rosalinda Mendez:Like, more like five hours later....
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, really. Probably was honestly.
Rosalinda Mendez:Like quit talking about it to your husband. He doesn't care.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah. But I thought this idea of like too generous. That was also ridiculous.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:But then you have the friendly phone call that she gave Whitney.
Rosalinda Mendez:Oh, yeah. Yeah. I love the fact that she just, she kind of, you know, when she said. Did she say that to her husband that she had called her?
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I think she did. She was like, Yeah, I called Whitney last night and ended it and then we find out later in the episode what was said.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, the friendly phone call was basically a friendly blackmail. Or like a friendly, like, if you don't shut up, I'm gonna tell people you're a swinger.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah. Yeah. Which was just like what?
Rosalinda Mendez:Again, apparently it did not realize. I mean, I get the whole, you know, the fact that you had all these people that were polygamists. I didn't. I mean, to me, I don't know polygamy and swingerism seem to be like two different like, cultures, but maybe. I don't know.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I think there's probably some overlap.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah. I just I don't know. I just for some reason, I think of swingers as being kind of like 1960s LA people putting like at a key party or something like that. I don't think of it like being like Mormons. I just think they're like, Sister Wives kind of thing. Like it seems more wholesome.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Well I guess it's like, you know, polygamy in the modern day - swingers,
Rosalinda Mendez:I guess. But I mean...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Its like legal.
Rosalinda Mendez:...Yeah. But I think when I think of polygamy, I think you're actually committed to those people. I mean, the way the Mormons do
Sara Van Tuerenhout:But if you swing like five times a week, like...
Rosalinda Mendez:You're just not having all the people live in the same house.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah. It's economical.
Rosalinda Mendez:Okay. Yeah. I see. It's more like a timeshare.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, exactly.
Rosalinda Mendez:Why own?
Sara Van Tuerenhout:When you could share.
Rosalinda Mendez:But anyway, so we digress.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:But that's like, that's out of left field to me.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, no, the thing is, is that and I think it's just again, to point out the fact that Whitney and her husband do have this kind of odd past where they were co-workers who were married, and he's considerably older than she is, and that that in itself is somehow offensive, and she is the youngest of all these women, and that's....
Sara Van Tuerenhout:*interjects* She's like 30 or something.
Rosalinda Mendez:...Yeah. And so that she's like, somehow it's it's like offensive to them, or they just, they don't take her seriously, and she was going to put her in her place.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Finally. It's like one last note about the party. I was actually very impressed. At the end of the party, they show all of Jen's assistants Swiffering the house and it looked like nothing happened. It was a complete transformation.
Rosalinda Mendez:They are the magical elves
Sara Van Tuerenhout:They really are. I mean, like they really turned that quasi-Studio 54...
Rosalinda Mendez:Which I guess and like yeah, we are talking about that. As a studio 54 theme, I'm not sure that I really saw that anywhere.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:It was Studio 54/Met Gala. Which just don't see like they overlap.
Rosalinda Mendez:No, no, no. Like I don't I don't I'm not sure Anna Wintour would be great with people having like, coke up in like the rafters of like the Met gala. Like in the dinosaur the blue whale room. Like that's where they're doing the coke.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:These women don't really get themes.
Rosalinda Mendez:No. They just they seem to they seem to love New York though.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, they do seem to love New York. Maybe they should move there.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I don't know.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Maybe they couldn't get on to the Real Housewives of New York so they all banded together and moved to Salt Lake City.
Rosalinda Mendez:Possibly possibly. That, that may be what the deal is.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:But yeah, okay. After the party we kind of move on to a little more serious. We meet Whitney's dad again, officially, at Whitney's house with a nice flock of seagulls haircut.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I know he and I just love like cuz like it's almost like a Hawaiian shirt or something.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:He looks like what would have happened if Shaggy had grown up and like...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:*interjects* Dyed his hair....
Rosalinda Mendez:Dyed his hair black.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:It was crazy.
Rosalinda Mendez:ut was still you know, running around looki g for Scoob Yeah, no, he just ind of he looks a little bit l
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, he owned his own like hair school. ke a caricature like and the t ing is we also find out I think do we find out then he used o like run a haircare busin ss. Yeah, and like hair salon.
Rosalinda Mendez:He did like, product too.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, product, which, with that hair??
Rosalinda Mendez:But I'm like that hair. Yeah, I was like maybe I dont know.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:"Self made millionaire." Who's giving him... this man money?
Rosalinda Mendez:I know. Clearly another thing we should look at as being like hair people in Utah,
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Use our code Met Gala for 20% off of function...no.
Rosalinda Mendez:She's kidding. But maybe one day.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:One day. But yeah, no, everything was cool. It's like nice that Whitney's supporting her dad.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I think it's actually nice that again, she's of all of these people, I think, again, we're seeing kind of realness in your life, because that's like a big vulnerability, and obviously, it's also brave of him. Because I mean, there's a lot of things when you're going through trying to get your sobriety back, and I'm sure that being on a reality show is probably not high on the list of what your sober counselor would tell you, you should do.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Because I mean, like, as we know, from Kim Richards, like that didn't...that didn't go very well.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, but at least he's up front about
Sara Van Tuerenhout:No. Yeah, I mean, that's, like really impressive and brave, and like, I'm glad both of them are open to sharing that.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah. I mean, I think it's important for people to see that, and it's also important for people, I mean, again, yeah, to see the vulnerability int this and like, also, it also shows a side of Whitney, though, that shows that she's very caring....
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:..And that s e is invested in trying to ma e things work for her dad, a d she's like, basicall, supporting him. Like, she s paying for all this stuff. She s making sure he's okay. I mean, I don't know if part of it is th t maybe I don't know if he thoug t of it. or maybe they thought f it together that by actuall, one bringing awareness to th s kind of to addiction and how t kind of goes through familie. But also, I was wondering f maybe they thought it would ke p them accountable, because they d be like, followed a lo
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, no that's a good point. I me n, hopefully, he's doing well I haven't really checked up on their story. Like up till n w. But then I move on to Mered th and other kind of semi-seri us conversation. We find o t, although I mean, that Mered th and her husband are li e, fighting at this restaurant, nd we actually find out ther's they're split up. Ye h, separated. That's the w
Rosalinda Mendez:but dating each other.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah. Yeah. But like, I mean, I guess we kind of knew that from the first episode,
Rosalinda Mendez:Because as we said it was kind of awkward.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, they had a weird relationship, and there's a...you could sense a tension. But yeah, that actually was kind of out of, again, left field for me. I didn't expect that. Because, but such an emphasis on religion, and, like piety, and everything like that. I just like, I don't know.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah. And so the fact that they've made this kind of commitment to date each other to kind of try to figure out where they've kind of, you know, split ways or whatever, is interesting, and I think that's probably some ways that are good, because a lot of couples just get, you know, once you have kids, and you know, life happens, and especially for them who are like running pretty big businesses, and also moving a lot it sounded like, and, you know, just not being in the same place. That takes a toll on a relationship, you know, so, basically, I think that, you know, so yeah, I think dating each other is not a bad way of kind of starting again, reinitiating trying to figure out where it was where it all started. However, when we go on this first-, no that's probably not their first date, we go on this date that we see...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:*interjects* That was the date from hell...
Rosalinda Mendez:That was not a date. That was one where you would like have a friend call you and say you need to come home. "There's an emergency gotta go. Sorry."
Sara Van Tuerenhout:This is like definitely something you're doing at home in private talking about like, yeah, your issues. Like that's not something you're out on the town, getting drinks, getting dinner with your date, like, no.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I think that yeah, I mean, it was like, if the purpose of that date was to kind of get reacquainted. And I mean, it was like it was basically just airing all the things that were annoying to each other.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, to all the diners around them and the waiter, that poor waiter."Another drink. Yes, please."
Rosalinda Mendez:I know. It's very strange, and, like my thing is, is I think one of the things they talked about, and I know we've discussed this earlier, it's like, you know, it's kind of funny that he wants to trade telephones to kind of see what's going on and she refuses to do it
Sara Van Tuerenhout:To like, let her...let him read her phone.
Rosalinda Mendez:And I know that you had said that, you know, you thought, well, it's the principle of the thing. You know, maybe she's not hiding anything but it's the principle. But I kind of found it a little sad when he said, I want you to read my phone, because I think then you'd be interested in me like I, you know, he's just kind of I mean, he is putting it out there. Like, I would like you to care about what I do.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, but I mean, like, is really reading someone's phone, like showing interest? I feel like, oh, let me see your phone is more of like, I don't trust you to, you know, not do something behind my back.
Rosalinda Mendez:But I mean, which is very telling, because I think he must suspect that something is going on.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Like cheating? Yeah. But I mean, because like, to her
Rosalinda Mendez:That she's cheating or something, because literally, why would you do...again, I think you're Yeah, no, I think that's a that's a big point, she was like, oh, ugh, why do I need to look at your right. I mean, it's a big tell, like a because otherwise why? I mean, I you know, if your dad's on my phone, he would be bored. phone? those messages were meant for you. And I like trust you. thing. But I think that shows his insecurity.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:Like, but I think that's his suspicion. Right, and so, and the problem is, I mean, and that's why it kinda sounded a little sad when he was just like, I just wish you'd be interested in me, and the thing is, is again, they're on a date, she could ask him about what he what he's doing, or, you know...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:*interjects* Well, that was another thing too, the first question he asked, the first question, they sat down, and first question, maybe it wasn't the first question due to editing. But the first question we see as a viewer, is, "do you think our relationship was meant to last?" Oh, my God, we haven't even got the drinks yet... At least wait for round three to come on.
Rosalinda Mendez:Cheese stick?.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Make it a double.
Rosalinda Mendez:I know. It's just like, I don't. I don't know. I mean, I don't I don't know if they're going to see a therapist.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, I don't know. I mean, it seems like they're, they're in two different places, I guess in what they want or like, what they value in a relationship, because I thought it was weird. Again, back to the phone thing. He was like, oh, like letting me see your phone is transparency, which is not really the case. I think they both want transparency in the relationship. But I think she wants like emotional transparency. And he just like, oh, we'll look at my phone, and it's like, you don't get... that's not the same.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, and I, but I think they're too they're they'tr. They're not a lot of couples get into I think, you know, when you're when you're living apart, and you've kind of lost that thread that connects you and then basically you're roommates and you're each doing your own thing after a while, like I'm doing my own thing. And if what you're doing, you know, kind of means that it's going to take away from what I'm doing. I don't really i'm not i'm not for it.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, yeah. I mean, I think they definitely need some time apart, and he needs to look up how to date.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I think he called they both need. Like, they need table topics.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I know, like those little cards."Anybody dead or alive, who would you like at a dinner party?"
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I really think they need to just have those little cards. I mean,they need to put a little box around the date and say we can't talk about...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Real stuff?
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, we can't talk about deep stuff. I mean, I guess you could you know, whatever. I mean, he didn't even like say like "so what are the kids up to? "
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Like, or even like "how are you?" Like, f**** what you're feeling like,"do you think our relationship was meant to last?"
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I mean, dating is supposed to be fun.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Not depressing. I think I would have been like "ooh, my mom's calling. I gotta go."
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, no, I mean that that whole date was like something that you needed a friend to get you out of.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah. Like sorry I need to drive a friend to the airport right now at 11pm.
Rosalinda Mendez:So from there we move venues right yeah, we go to we go to their first event where everybody's together
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah the first I guess vacation
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, it's not really a vacation but it's a day out with the girls and so so yeah, so we have to watch them all get like they're. We first of all just get geared up. Like literally there's just a lot about what you're wearing.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, and how like they were all looking really good in their designer but then Jen was like "I'm gonna look so good. I look a black diamond." Which to me, okay, like I'll be honest, I don't ski or you know have ever gone skiing but I have some friends who have like gone snowboarding and skiing. Well, yes, you like ski resort clothes or whatever are expensive. But like if I see someone wear like Fendi and Gucci like jumpsuits or whatever, I'm not like yeah, they're black diamond skiers
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, that is not I think I mean, maybe that's a Park City like kind of Utah kind of thing. But yeah, real skiers. They're like, yeah, they're not wearing those things, and I thought that was interesting. We were watching them geared up watching Heather, talking about how you know, she was a skier. She was more concerned about looking like having the right cred in a good way. Like she didn't want to look, she was dressing too young. Because she was like...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:*interjects* She was looking for someone to pick up.
Rosalinda Mendez:She was doing that too. I mean, but I think when she was, I think she was just kind of saying, I don't want to get some boots and have people make fun of me like I'm a 40 year old wearing things I shouldn't be wearing. So and then she said the thing about how she like her parents would drop her off, and she would like just ski all day, which is like fine.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:But she was like she was there to ski. Like literally, there were three of them there that were there to ski, and we're there for the thing the other three, we're on the bunny Hill making snow angels.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:That is peak Real Housewives it's just like, we don't know how to do any of these sports.
Rosalinda Mendez:Although in the OC I will give 'em credit when they went skiing and they talked about a Vicki's threesome.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Oh boy.
Rosalinda Mendez:Which did not happen apparently or did I don't know anyway, but they were seriously skiing. Like there's some real housewives who can actually you know ski.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:That's true. Camille could ski very well.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, there were a lot of good skiers. But this was just hilarious because it just looked it just looked silly. Like you have...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:Jen who's like in that, like leopard print?
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, that was an outfit.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, and it was like she was, she was like, see you on the Bunny Hill Bitches.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:I was like, yeah, no one says that. Like you're saying that to like a 12 year old.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Then, like the ski instructors didn't even know how to tell them how to stand there. Like think of a Brazilian butt lift. Just like...okay....
Rosalinda Mendez:I know. They're sitting there going through their catalogue of how do I teach older women who don't ski but are like very shallow.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:I mean, what what can I say that culturally will like....
Sara Van Tuerenhout:*interjects* Will translate.
Rosalinda Mendez:So they would understand exactly what I'm trying to say. Yeah. I'm like, Yeah, I mean, I've always heard like, make a pizza wedge.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Knees together? Yeah, I don't... See you clearly can tell I don't know what I'm talking about.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, but I just again, like just just thinking of that and seeing Mary make snow angels. And then seeing the end like seeing like, Heather and Whitney like, just bad assing it down the mountian.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I know, and Whitney, too. But I mean, I will
Rosalinda Mendez:Well, and she didn't want to have a wedgie. say for the outfit wise, I will respect Mary for waiting for that FedEx package before she went on. Because she couldn't live without her Chanel jacket. Like but now you know, like I guess if I ever had ski....
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Get that Chanel.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, cuz it does not give you a wedgie people. (Again, not sponsored.) But apparently Chanel is the thing to wear if you don't want to wedgie with your ski pants.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:But so much to learn.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Oh, yeah, I know right. But they finished their ski day. They go back to the resort, and Heather was like, oh, if you ever want to know how long it takes for like six girls to get ready after a ski trip and go to dinner, she was like three and a half hours, which was like so cute. That only only three and a half hours? Dorit says hello. That's one woman.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I was I was I mean, I'm glad they're. they're, they're basically keeping the standard of how long it takes you to get dressed after anything you do on a trip.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I guess. Yeah. I mean, again, relatability. Like, yeah, three and a half hours to rest and recuperate. Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah. I mean, you have to have your hair done. I mean, I'm wondering if Jen brought her glam squad.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, I don't know if any of her assistants were skiing on the mountain with her. They were like in the shadows, like wearing a bush. But then we go to dinner.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, and of course it has to be like every Housewives dinner.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:It cannot be nice.
Rosalinda Mendez:Like yeah, we can... no one has a nice time. I mean, I think the last time I remember seeing a fun Housewives dinner was when I think when Bethenny took everybody to Mexico and the countess fell in o the bush. That's the last ti e everybody loved each other aft r a dinner
Sara Van Tuerenhout:That's true. I like the Miami. Real -- not Miami housewives but like the Miami trip from New York where Sonja like falls off the chair and like falls into the soup. Then hits on the ambulance, whatever, the EMT.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:That was pretty funny.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, but again, it has to be again these these women are like...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:drama, drama, drama.
Rosalinda Mendez:I know. They really are. They really are.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Or just you know, they're like we have to make a name for ourselves.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I think so. They're trying to find an identity.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, so they try to you know, whenever someone's like, let's lay all of our cards on the table, you know, like shits gonna go down. It's never gonna be like, nice.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, it's always gonna be Yeah, there's gonna be some mess.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:They're like, Oh, like, you know, we just want to be open and honest with each other. It's like, No, I want to stab you in the back on national television, but no, we have Lisa v. Whitney. Whitney's finally kind of standing up for herself about the friendly blackmail, like, oh, so cuddly blackmail, about being a swinger. Although she didn't bring up being a swinger because you didn't want to make that the topic of conversation. But Lisa pretty much outright said, yeah, that didn't happen. But it's like, I don't know. First, she didn't. She said she didn't know Whitney *Heather*, which we know is a lie. So I- her credibility is pretty low right now.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, no, I think Lisa Oh, no. Lisa didn't know Heather. But yeah, no. Yeah. I think that she is not she is no one that I am going to trust. Lisa.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:No, I feel like every word that comes out of her mouth, I'm just going to assume is a lie.
Rosalinda Mendez:Right? You know, it's a lie a cover up, whatever she is not gonna...She really is very good about curating what she thinks her image should be. I think.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yes, the Sundance queen.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, exactly.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:But yeah, and then that kind of didn't really get resolved, honestly. But then Heather said to Lisa, I didn't like how you didn't know me.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, no.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Even though Lisa texted Heather before Jen Shah's party.
Rosalinda Mendez:I just love that Heather was like, "I wish I had been a good time girl."
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I know. She's so desperately wanting to be from Spring Breakers. But like, I thought it was funny too. Her little comments are so hilarious. Where she was like, you know, it's kind of funny that she's texting so much. She doesn't know. Like she probably wouldn't even recognize me at the party. She doesn't know me.
Rosalinda Mendez:I know. Heather is like everyone, every every person subtext, which is really great. It's like what you're thinking in your head. But you don't necessarily say out loud, but she actually is.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:She just says it.
Rosalinda Mendez:Well a lot of times she's saying it in confessional.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:True. True. But funny nonetheless
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah. none Yeah, nonetheless, she is like, she has her Yeah.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Her moments.
Rosalinda Mendez:She has her moments and she can, she can just kind of laser focus in on things. But then, you know, actually, again, I mean, sometimes I feel, you know, especially I don't know if especially with COVID or like everything is like you know, you know kind of different like, you know, you've been in the house and you know, life has been going on but you know, I learned something new about popular culture. Like I'm always like, wondering sometimes what emojis are like what things are. But we learned something interesting because honestly, I don't know if we're just from like, you know, we're just a little country folks out in like the fourth largest city in Houston, Texas, but we thumbs up usually means two things to a Texan it means way to go or gig 'em
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, literally those are the only two
Rosalinda Mendez:Those are your only two options. things
Sara Van Tuerenhout:But I had no clue it was a middle finger.
Rosalinda Mendez:Considering there's a middle finger emoji.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I know, the e's already a function...Tha just doesn't make sense. But I guess maybe the Mormons eed a loophole. They can't s nd it. They're like banned. May e, oh my gosh, what if the phone in Salt Lake City don't ave tha
Rosalinda Mendez:That's true. Maybe somehow..
Sara Van Tuerenhout:There's regional censorship.
Rosalinda Mendez:They filter out the bad emojis. Like I wonder if there's no eggplant emoji in Salt Lake City.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:What are you talking about? Eggplant?. It's just that it's just a vegetable.
Rosalinda Mendez:But no, I mean, yeah. But it's funny that they just go through and then you see all these really quick clips of them in confessional.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:You know, discussing the thumbs up.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I didn't realize it was such a controversy. She was like oh,"you know what you sent."
Rosalinda Mendez:It's like"FU." It's like huh?
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I love how Heather was so adamant at the table, of course, all the house was like that, "of course I didn't mean that. Like it just a thumbs up as a thumbs up," and then in confessional the producer was like, "Did you mean FU?" and she's like, "Yeah, of course."
Rosalinda Mendez:"Yeah, I did." I was like, okay. So we now know if we are in the state of Utah using the thumbs up emoji, and I mean, I was only I was in Utah a couple months ago. Like I'm glad that I never gave that sign to anybody.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I know.
Rosalinda Mendez:Like everything was okay? Cuz sometimes people would ask how are things and I would have given a thumbs up... I could have been in trouble.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I know you were out there in the middle of nowhere. It could have been bad.
Rosalinda Mendez:I know. They could have, you know, throw me over into a canyon just from like, and I wouldn't have known why. I thought I was being nice and friendly. Maybe if you're a foreigner, like a non Utah person.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah.
Rosalinda Mendez:Maybe they'll cut you some slack. Yeah. But like, I mean, would people take you aside and say "you're in Utah please don't use the thumbs up."
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, that's... "my Christian eyes."
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I know.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:"Or my Mormon eyes."
Rosalinda Mendez:YeahI know. So. So yeah. So this episode is delivering. I mean, they're delivering from thing to thing.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:From episode to episode, and I think though, like, because they made this a two parter type thing, like this episode kind of felt a little flat compared to the first one.
Rosalinda Mendez:Right? It just felt like they were rushing it, and then I mean, it just seemed like, it was almost like it should have been like, 30 minutes as opposed to an hour.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, I've kind of felt like it lost its life towards the end.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah. Especially when you know, have to spend that much time....
Sara Van Tuerenhout:*interjects* Talking about a thumbs up.
Rosalinda Mendez:....Thumbs up Yeah.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:They've really lost any content to talk about. But like, yeah, next week's episode looks interesting. We've got the 20s party, I think, is getting planned.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, more fights to ensue. I'm sure.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:But everyone's on a clean slate right now. Supposedly...
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, but you still know that Jen hasn't forgiven Mary.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:No. I guess we'll find out more about how that unfolds next week.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah, I don't know. I guess. I mean, this must have been a hard episode, in some ways. Because, I mean, Jen was really strong at the beginning, because we had to like see that whole thing where she forgives Mary.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah. Zen Jen.
Rosalinda Mendez:And then yeah, and then all of a sudden...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:It shifts to Lisa.
Rosalinda Mendez:Yeah. But not gonna lie. Not as exciting.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Yeah, not as exciting. I'm ready. You know, as much as Jen is kind of just out there and crazy. I'm ready for more Jen and Mary, and a little sprinkle of Whitney and Heather in there. But like Lisa, she can do her own thing.
Rosalinda Mendez:And I know you can tell we love Lisa.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:We're really big Lisa stans. Please sponsor us Vida Tequila.
Rosalinda Mendez:We've already like it somehow tarnished her brand...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:I know, so sorry....
Rosalinda Mendez:Sorry. It's not about you. It's about the third party, Bravo people who have edited you in a way that makes you look...
Sara Van Tuerenhout:*int rjects* They'v
Rosalinda Mendez:They've slandered you. It's not us.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:For legal reasons this is a joke.
Rosalinda Mendez:We're kidding. There's no slander.
Sara Van Tuerenhout:But yeah, uh, feel free to drop us a lik or a thumbs up!
Rosalinda Mendez:Or subscribe!
Sara Van Tuerenhout:Give us a review. We'd really appreciate it. Thank you so much for tuning in. We look forward to seeing you next time!
Rosalinda Mendez:Thanks!